Lyon, the international capital of gastronomy and the crossroads of Europe.

Our hometown naturally came to mind when we were deciding where to open a chai. Epicurean by nature, Lyon is also a city that makes sense in relation to our business and the positioning of our champagne, that is, in gastronomic restaurants. Furthermore, our chai is located at the corner of Rue des Archers and Rue de la République, just a few steps from the future “Cité Internationale de la Gastronomie.” At the crossroads of Europe, the city of the “gones” is particularly well located in terms of welcome our clients from neighboring countries (Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, etc.). Thanks in particular to the Saint-Exupéry Airport and all the amenities and attractions offered by the city, we are also easily able to receive our clients from more distant countries (United States, China, …).

Chai Lombardi: the expression of our universe

In a Haussmannian apartment overlooking downtown Lyon, Chai Lombardi reflects both our authentic environment and our very French style that we would call minimalist chic, convivial and inviting.

The space is divided into thematic areas dedicated to specific functions:
– The “cave” is climate-controlled of course, and the wooden bottle racks lining the wall evoke the tradition of aging Champagne. The reinforced glass walls serve to keep the Champagne stock under perfect conditions while showcasing the beautiful bottles.
– The reception area is cozy and intimate. Noble wood, cork, tufted leather, combined with rather contemporary Charles Eames armchairs and silky fabrics. A bit like our champagne, the “salon” is a subtle blend of tradition and modernity.
– The tasting room evokes our terroir, our Champagne roots. The space has a sterile, laboratory-like feel, with numerous references to our universe. Visuals of our vineyard, the production process, and the domain adorn the walls. The resins of our laboratories in Champagne were used for our tasting table. Shades of red evoke the color of the pinot noir grape. Natural cork wall panels make reference to our champagne corks.

Direct Purchase

Restaurant owners, sommeliers, amateurs who’ve been enjoying our champagnes for years, or those curious to discover them, Chai Lombardi is also your space. Purchase directly from the producer at the Chai, without having to travel to our domain in Champagne. We look forward to exchanging with you to provide guidance, and to improve our services and our champagnes. You are welcome at the Chai without appointment, Monday to Friday, from 10h to 17h and from 10h to 18h on Saturday.


Come visit the Chai for personalized exchanges about the process of elaboration of our Champagnes… we’ll be happy to provide an introduction to oenology! We welcome you by appointment, for group or individual tastings and the opportunity to buy our champagnes direct from the producer, Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm and from 10am to 6pm on Saturdays.

Champagne tasting is as rich and precise as that of still wines. It also integrates the fascinating magic of bubbles. Where do they come from? How do they develop? What do the names “blanc de blancs” and “blanc de noirs” mean? What should we drink with a chicken in cream sauce? Why is rosé champagne pink? What is the difference between a brut with and without a vintage? What is a “demi-sec”? If you are looking for answers to these and other questions, you will find them in our oenology workshops!


Chai Lombardi in Lyon is a unique and inviting space available for business meetings, strategy seminars, product promotions, etc. We provide a totally privatized space, designed for your comfort and your discretion, respecting your confidentiality and security constraints (fully secure high-speed wifi for data sharing). Located on the second floor, away from onlookers, the Chai in Lyon is the perfect place to negotiate a major contract, invite your most prestigious clients, present your products/services in confidence (for sneak previews)… And all this accompanied by our finest Champagne and our selection of exceptional caviars. Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss reservations: +33 (0) 6 77 58 82 55

Get-Togethers At The Chai

You can join us for one of many events we regularly organize at Chai Lombardi as well as for our private tastings and cross-tasting of caviar and Champagne. We personally select producers of excellent caviar whose quality products marry perfectly with our Champagnes. This majestic combination of two gastronomic products has infinite possibilities and sparkles with sensuality and emotion. Come discover these pairings by contacting us today! Our tastings are held solely on reservation.

Every month is unique for our customers. Sign up here to receive our invitations.


71 rue de la République, 69002 Lyon France

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