Scintillating and elegant


Pride of place must go to beef and duck, whether grilled, roasted or slow-cooked in a stew. To make them even more divine, add a distinctive pinch of ‘hot’ spices or herbs (black, grey or white pepper, coriander, chervil, parsley …).

100% first press juice

“Vivino: Among top 3% of all wines in the world”

Good to know: All our champagnes are said to be “cuvées” because they are exclusively made with first-press juices. As the name suggests, these most qualitative juices are obtained from the first pressing. Less qualitative size juices (second and third press) do not enter into the production of our champagnes.

$ 54.00 750 ml

Weight 1.650 kg

36 months aging on the lees, 12 months after disgorgement,

Grape variety

100% Pinot Noir

Reserve wine


Awards and recognition

89 Robert Parker – 91 Wine Enthusiast – 90 Wine Spectator



Alcohol content 

12.5 %


We ship in cases of 6 bottles and up to 36 bottles. Mixed cases are welcome. For any larger orders, contact us.

Tasting notes

The nose offers aromas of grilled apples, pears and nuts, accompa­nied by anise and dried roses, adding complexity. Dry and persis­tent to the palate, this champagne offers refreshing notes of wild berries and a hint of sanguine orange. Fiercely racy, this “white from dark grapes” with fine bubbles and a light golden color brings us to a very beautiful and pleasant finish.

Food pairing notes

Grilled Angus beef with black pepper

Advice from Stéphane Lombardi

My Blanc de noirs Champagne and mushrooms -ceps, morels and truffles – always go well together, revealing a host of tastes and aromas.

Find this bottle at:
La Réserve de Beaulieu- 5* Hotel and Restaurant 1* Michelin – French Riviera

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