Tasting the linup

Sampler case

Having trouble deciding which cuvee to choose?

Don’t worry, our sampler case is the solution to this dilemma.  Experience the full universe of Champagne Lombardi… a collection of 6 of our cuvees, including our

1 cuvée Blanc de Noirs / 100% Pinot Noirs / 91 points Wine Enthusiast

“Vivino.com:  Among top 2% of all wines in the world”

1 cuvée Blanc de Blancs, / 100% Chardonnay / 91 points Wine Spectator

1 cuvée Extra Brut, / 100% Pinot Noirs / 89 points Robert Parker

1 cuvée Anthèse rosé, / 80% Pinot Noir / 10% Chardonnay / 91 points Wine Spectator

“Vivino.com:  Among top 9% of all wines in the world”

1 Cuvée Hyménée, / 50% Pinot Noirs 50% Chardonnay/ 92 points Robert Parker

“Vivino.com:  Among top 6% of all wines in the world”

1 Cuvée Hyménée Vintage 2012 that has been slowly aging these past 10 years!

A true experience to share with friends and family.

Good to know: All our champagnes are said to be “cuvées” because they are exclusively made with first-press juices. As the name suggests, these most qualitative juices are obtained from the first pressing. Less qualitative size juices (second and third press) do not enter into the production of our champagnes.

$ 320.80 750 ml


We ship in cases of 6 bottles and up to 36 bottles. Mixed cases are welcome. For any larger orders, contact us.

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